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The difference between "Ser" and "Estar"

Many people, specially those that speak a language where there is only one verb "To be", find it very difficult to know when to use "Ser" or "Estar". However, if you can just take a moment with me, I'll explain the basic difference in a few words (plus examples).

Ser = Identity

Estar = What's going on

What's going? "she's dead" = Estar

(Ella está muerta)

What kind of person is she? = "She's a dead person" (a ghost) = Ser (Ella es una persona muerta [we would rarely use this one])

What's going on? "They are married" = Estar

(Ellos están casados)

What kind of people are they = "They are married people" = Ser

(Ellos son personas casadas)

What's going on? "I'm talking" = Estar

(Estoy hablando)

What kind of person am I? = I am a talkative person = Ser

(Soy una persona habladora)


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