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Los Pronombres del Sujeto

Yo: To say “I” in with Spanish speaking person and/or country one always uses: Yo.

: This means “You’. Not all Spanish speaking countries use the pronoun “Tú,” however, it is considered standard Spanish. To say “you” informally many say the pronoun “Tú”

Vos: (Countries like Guatemale, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina): To say “you” informally these countries will always say “vos.” “Tú” & “Vos” are conjugated similar with the regular verbs and the same with some irregulars.

Tú vas & Vos vas = same conjugation / Tú compras / vos comprás

Usted: The formal way of saying “you”. The way this word is used is usually when you do not know the person to whom you are speaking to, older people, people in high positions, and sometimes your parents depending where you are from.

For instance in Dominican Republic the sons and daughters must used the formal “you” when addressing their parents and older family members like aunts, grandparents, uncles, etc. However , in Puerto Rico, that is not the case. People do not have to use formal “you” with family members. "Usted" is conjugated usually the same way as ella, él, uno.

Ella: She or it

Él: He or it

Uno: This is often used to speak in general terms. Like, “One likes to go swimming”.

Nosotros/Nosotras: This means “We.” Nosotros is either men and women together or just men. While Nosotras is only regarding women.

Ellas: They --females

Ellos: They --Either males and females or just males

Ustedes: You all (It is used both in the formal and informal) (Standard in Latin America, formal in parts of Spain)

Vosotros/Vosotras: (It is rarely used in Latin America. Only used for old texts, and some extremely formal documents. However, it is widely used in Spain informally). “Vosotros” means “You all” for either a combination of men and women or just men. Vosotras in the other hand is only used Only when regarding women.




You (Informal)


You (Informal)


You (formal)


She / it






We/Us (Only females)


We/Us (Either males and females together or just males)


They (Female only)


They (Either males and females together or just males)


You All


You All (Informal either males and females together or just males)


You All (Informal just Females)

HOPE this is helpful!

If you have questions, let me know!


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