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Gli aggettivi

How to describe nouns in Italian? Let's talk about it!

Adjectives in Italian do not work exactly the same as they do in English, the placement can change the emphasis of what you’re trying to say.

In English we tend to place the noun after the adjectives:

  • The pretty scarf

  • The loud people

  • The quiet mouse

  • The scary movie

But in Italian, it doesn’t always work that way:

  • Must important rule is that you have to agree with the noun.

  • Have to agree with gender and quantity

To describe the attributes of function:

Here the noun will come before the adjective

  • The blue water makes me happy -- --- L'acqua (noun) azzurra (adjective) mi fa sentire felice

  • White houses make me feel nostalgic --- Le case (noun) bianche (adjective) mi fanno sentire nostalgica.

  • Tall people make me uncomfortable ---- Le persone (noun) alte (adjective) mi fanno sentire scomoda.

To describe the predicative function

Here you will use the verb “Essere” to help you describe the noun.

  • The water is blue --- L’acqua è azzurra

  • The houses are white --- Le case sono bianche

  • The boys are loud --- I ragazzi sono rumorosi

  • You are sick --- Tu sei malato.

How to Make adjectives agree

Endings Masculine form Masculine Plural Form

If the adjective ends in “-o” Leave the “-o” Change the “-o” to an “-i”

If the adjective ends in “-ista” Leave the “-a” ending Change the “-a” to an “-i”

If the adjective ends in “-e” Leave as is Change the “-e” to an “-i”

Endings Feminine Form Feminine Plural Form If the adjective ends in “-o” Change the “-o” To an “-a” Change the “-o” to “e”

If the adjective ends in “-ista” Leave the “-a” ending Change the “-a” to an “-e”

If the adjective ends in “-e” Leave as is Change the “-e” to an “-i”

Adjectives that do not change:

(Please memorize the list)

Some colors: Rosa, Ocra, Nocciola, Marrone = Do not change (they stay the same no matter what)

The adjectives with the prefix anti = Antifurto

Position of the Adjectives

The adjectives can technically be place before or after the noun, however, you may change the meaning of what you’re trying to say:


Less emphases: Lei è una alta ragazza (adjective before the noun)

More: Lei è una ragazza alta. (adjective after the noun)

Descriptive Vs. Distinction:

Descriptive: Lei è con sua alta sorella. She’s with her tall sister (adjective before the noun)

Distinction: Lei è con sua sorella alta. She’s with her sister, the tall one (adjective after the noun)

List of the adjectives that can only be After the noun

  • Nationality (Lei è italiana)

  • Political party and membership (Noi siamo una democrazia)

  • Location (Lui è nella tua sinistra)

  • Physical attributes = blind, fat, etc

Something to keep in mind

Buono = An adjective

Bene = An adverb

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